Restivals and festivals 2024

Good Being A Girl is back on the road with lots of amazing new feminist gifts as we celebrate International Women’s Day and a year of festivals that raise the roof and honour and celebrate womankind

First up is Kent’s Power of Women Restival where the central theme is rest. Rest is the Protest. Dive into activities and events during March that are a declaration of self-worth


Crow Moon by Lucy Pearce is the latest transformative book by the founder and creative director of .First visioned during lockdown as Lucy experienced a chance encounter with a flock of murmurating crows in her local wood in Ireland.This led to a powerful initiation and way back to the heart of ourselves.

Strikingly illustrated in black and white by Lucy, with contributions from other women, healers and artists, all midlife women who have also been called by the magic of crows at decisive moments of their lives, an agent of change.

For all those like myself who may have missed looking up and seeing; once you do they are everywhere guiding us and presenting us with magic moments as they swirl and caw

A Bookshop of One’s Own by Jane Cholmeley is a love letter to the creation of The Silver Moon Bookshop, champion of women writers and feminists that used to be on Charing Cross Road in London.How a group of women set out to change the world during the Thatcherite era, defying the odds to become one of the biggest women’s bookshops in Europe. Alice Walker, Audre Lorde were amongst many who came to do signings !

Jane doesn’t sugar coat anything and tells as it was ,a hard slog to get it up and running and funded and then the difficult balance of feminism, politics and business. Jane offers a slice of social history from a true feminist and lesbian icon at the heart of the Women’s Liberation Movement full of so may funny moments , love and honesty

And a great YA recommendation is The Agency for a Scandal by Laura Wood which mixes romance and an underground feminist group who help women in need in 1870’s London.Society girl Isobel who’s family have fallen on hard times is recruited to the Aviary to help women against powerful men.Its historical setting manages to show how things have changed but not so much…Full of a diverse group of empowering characters forging paths through the patriarchy of the day. The second in the series – A Season for Scandal is just out!



It’s been growing steadily over the last few years us speaking about Menopause, hearing it on the radio, celebrity women campaigning in and outside parliament to allow women the support they need at this time.

This time, Menopause ,is a physical transition, equivalent to puberty and involving the same rollercoaster of hormones and rewiring. But it’s not a medical condition, it’s a natural transformation into a time of great power, when we can be fully ourselves without compromise. It can prompt us to make monumental changes in our lives and become awakened to our true purpose in this next phase of our lives. Sound anything like the old woman myths we’ve all been brought up with ?Put down those knitting needles ( guerilla crochet art work excepted!) and listen to what you really want to do now.

Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer have been holding courses for some years to encourage women and girls to recognise the power and positivity in our Menstrual cycles , to track our own cycles and see those times we have the need to be out there and the times we need to retreat and be still and listen to what is next and how we can awaken more to our callings and right action.

So it is no surprise that the definitive book about the true nature of Menopause – Wise Power – is out now!

It is the wise women coming back from the woods to tell us how to travel through this exciting time. Truly revelational!

Check out their course due to start

Time for empowerment

Other inspiring books also out this year on this second half of life is Sharon Blackie’s magnificently named Hagitude – which looks at the old woman archetypes and how they relate to this phase in our lives and how we can smash through the patriarchal intepretations of the witches in the woods

Embracing the positive title Second Spring Kate Codrington’s book gives us a self-care guide to menopause full of humour, honesty, whichever route you choose to take

Finally bravo to Davina McCall for highlighting her own experiences of Menopause in the public arena and producing a roadmap with the help of Dr Naomi Potter, to help us negotiate this next important phase – she freely admits it has given new purpose to her own life

There feels like a shift going on , even with the horror of war, violence against women in Iran and around the world, here too in the UK. Women and men are standing up to be heard despite the danger to themselves – to say enough is enough – we will be heard, seen and be the change we want to see. Courage calls for courage